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Art merch objects attract buyers by the fact that these items are able to decorate the premises, as well as have useful functions for homes and offices (table lamps, decorative pillows, dishes, other interior items). Art-merch products are used by buyers as beautiful and practical items of personal wardrobe (shawls, scarves, tops, T-shirts, bags, umbrellas, other accessories). 
Art-Merch collections may also include design items, clothing and textile samples, decorative dishes, accessories, souvenirs, and other items. But one circumstance remains unchanged – Art merch is always based on an original work of art.

Art-Merch may include design items, samples of clothing and textiles, decorative dishes, accessories, souvenirs, and other items. But one circumstance remains unchanged – Art merch is always based on an original work of art. 

Art-merch objects can be made as Premium (exclusive) items, as well as Ordinary items of serial (mass) production.

Premium (exclusive) Art-Merch objects are distinguished by the fact that they are made in a limited edition from elite materials (natural precious woods, precious metals, genuine leather, elite textiles, porcelain, etc.). 

As a rule, these exclusive collections are made to be shown at international exhibitions as elite samples and are quite expensive. Often such samples of Art-merch objects are placed on presentation stands during international fairs and exhibitions, and are also presented in the Company's corporate museums.

Ordinary Art-Merch objects are made for serial circulation (mass production). For their production, inexpensive materials (or synthetic materials similar to natural ones) can be used. Such art-merch objects become truly mass products and are bought by different groups of buyers.
So, Art-Merch products allow attracting more and more groups of Art buyers.

Collections of Art-merch objects attract the attention of different target groups of buyers. Art merch often helps to increase the circle of people interested in art, who later think about buying original works of art. Art Merch attracts more and more groups of buyers, thus increasing the total number of fans of Art.
Thanks to the AMF Program, the production of Art-merch objects has become available to many Art Owners and Authors.


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